While many graduate students anxiously await re-admission to their lab spaces on our campuses, and others wonder when their looming field season may actually start…biology education graduate students are still collecting data! I am working alongside 8 graduate students in a BER course-based research project (now online!). We need doctoral students in biology-related fields to participate by completing an online survey. Would you forward this message (below is the formal recruitment statement) to colleagues so we may reach a diverse population of doctoral students and thus better describe doctoral students’ perceptions of barriers to success?
Emily Holt, University of Northern Colorado
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I am part of a research team of 8 doctoral students from the University of Northern Colorado investigating factors associated with doctoral students' perceptions of barriers to success within their degree program.
We are looking for participants who would be willing to take one anonymous online survey via Qualtrics. The deadline for survey completion is April 1st, 2020, and the survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. The link is below:
Participants must be 18 years of age or older, and a doctoral student currently enrolled in a PhD program conducting biology-related research (also including environmental science, biochemistry, biophysics, forestry, science education). Participants must be enrolled at an institution within the United States or outlying territories.
While we are not offering compensation for participating in this research, we greatly appreciate the time of our participants, and the biology education community will greatly benefit from the responses to the survey. These findings may be beneficial in designing support systems for the wellbeing and academic success of PhD students and future faculty members.
If you have any questions about the study or how your data will be used, please email our faculty supervisor Dr. Emily Holt at emily.holt@unco.edu.