ELI - Fall 2020 Courses
The English Language Institute (ELI) offers a wide range of credit-bearing courses for graduate students at the University of Michigan. Courses are designed for international students who are seeking to improve their English in order to achieve academic and professional goals. ELI classes are small, interactive, and provide students with extensive one-on-one feedback.
- Students should register via Wolverine Access
- Open to graduate students in all schools
- No extra course fees—included in full-time tuition
- Courses are credit-bearing
- Graded S/U
- Grades appear on transcript but do not affect GPA
Speaking & Listening ELI 531 - Language and Communication I ELI 532 - Understanding Spoken English ELI 534 - Discussion and Oral Argumentation
Writing ELI 521 - Writing for Academic Purposes ELI 522 - Research Paper Writing ELI 620 - Dissertation Writing and Writing for Publication I
Reading, Grammar, Vocabulary ELI 510 - Academic Reading and Academic Vocabulary Acquisition ELI 512 - Spoken and Written Grammar in Academic Contexts
Pronunciation ELI 536 - Pronunciation I ELI 538 - Pronunciation in Context
GSI Program ELI 539 - Pronunciation in GSI Contexts ELI 580 - Introduction to Graduate Student Instructor Work ELI 584 - Graduation Student Instructors Seminar and Practicum
Community and Culture ELI 560 - U.S. Language and Culture in Context: Community-Engaged Learning for International Graduate Students |