Stockholm University is a leading European university and one of the world’s top 100 institutes for higher education and research. Stockholm University has more than 60,000 students and 5,000 staff. Sweden and Stockholm are consistently placed very high on global lists ranking quality of life, safety and social security.
The Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) is a national center for large-scale biosciences with a focus on health and environmental research and is a collaboration between Stockholm University, Karolinska Institutet, the Royal Institute of Technology, and Uppsala University. The position as assistant professor (tenure-track) in Functional genomics of adaptations in animals is within the SciLifeLab Fellows program, a career program aiming at strengthening Swedish research in Molecular Biosciences. SciLifeLab activities in Stockholm are located at a dedicated campus, Campus Solna, and the SciLifeLab fellow will be located at Campus Solna. The position comes with generous financial support for recruiting co-workers and for sustaining research activities during the six years as assistant professor.
The advertised Assistant Professorship in Functional genomics of adaptations in animals is at the Department of Zoology at Stockholm University, located at the Arrhenius Laboratories at the Stockholm University campus, but the current position will initially be housed primarily at the Solna campus of SciLifeLab-Stockholm. The primary responsibility of the Assistant Professor is to carry out research, together with limited teaching responsibilities at the Department of Zoology. In case the successful candidate achieves tenure and obtains a permanent position as associate professor this will be housed at the Department of Zoology.
The Department of Zoology consists of five divisions: Population Genetics, Ecology, Ethology, Functional Morphology, and Systematics and Evolution, thus covering research on animals from all angles. Research on the evolution of animal adaptations is a theme in common for all divisions, and the atmosphere is vibrant and highly cooperative. An assistant professor in Functional genomics of adaptations in animals would be highly complementary to existing research, with many opportunities for collaboration.
Closing date: 15/02/2023
Link to job advertisement with more information: