Monday, May 5

RFP: Data-Intensive Analysis and/or Modeling for Socio-Environmental Synthesis

Data-Intensive Analysis and/or Modeling for Socio-Environmental Synthesis

The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) invites proposals for data-intensive analysis and/or modeling projects that advance socio-environmental synthesis research. This funding opportunity covers two types of projects:

§  The pursuit of novel, question-driven, and synthetic research into linkages between social and environmental system dynamics that would not be otherwise possible without the use of computationally-intensive data analysis and/or modeling; or
§  The development of advanced data analysis and/or modeling tools that enable cutting-edge socio-environmental synthesis research.

Successful candidates will lead strongly data- and/or modeling-driven research efforts that synthesize understanding at the interface of the social and environmental sciences. Competitive proposals will: 1) bring together social and environmental data in novel ways to address critical socio-environmental research questions that are also actionable, or 2) attempt to advance modeling and/or analytical techniques beyond current applications which may be limited to a single scale of analysis, type of data, and/or disciplinary lenses.

Support Details

SESYNC has significant modeling, data analysis, and database management expertise to guide and support teams that need assistance with the technical aspects of data mining, processing, integration, analysis, visualization, and/or modeling. In addition to providing support for meetings and travel to SESYNC, we may cover the costs of the PI’s salary while in residence at SESYNC and/or salary for a research assistant at the PI’s home institution and/or at SESYNC. A research assistant position could be filled by a graduate research assistant, postdoc, programmer, or database technician depending upon the technical skills required. SESYNC also has standing openings for 2-year Computational Postdoctoral positions that could be associated with a team project if the postdoctoral applicant also has a separate (independent) project they propose through that Computational Postdoc program.

Funded projects will gain access to SESYNC’s advanced cyberinfrastructure, including use of and support for scalable cluster computing and substantial storage capacity (10’s of terabytes per project). Funded projects also receive support for meetings at SESYNC in Annapolis, MD, including travel and group facilitation.

More Information

Applications must be submitted by August 4, 2014.

Melissa Andreychek
Communications Coordinator
The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)
University of Maryland