Tuesday, November 12

Winter Term Course: AOSS 405

Hey, are you looking for a cognate course??

Dr. Gretchen Keppel-Aleks (http://aoss.engin.umich.edu/people/gkeppela) will be teaching a new course in Carbon-Climate Interactions (AOSS 405) this coming winter term.  Please see the attached flyer if you or any of your graduate or advanced undergraduate students might be interested.

Lecture: Tuesday, Thursday 10.00-11.30 AM in 2424 SRB
Instructor: Gretchen Keppel-Aleks, gkeppela@umich.edu
Course Overview
This course is intended to introduce graduate and advanced undergraduate students to the processes
that constitute the global carbon cycle, with particular emphasis on how climate mediates these
processes. Lectures will cover:
• Biogeochemical and transport processes that affect the distribution of carbon across reservoirs
in the Earth system
• Atmospheric and proxy data used to quantify carbon fluxes on timescales of days to millennia
• Impacts of human CO2 emissions on the biology, chemistry, and physics of the atmosphere,
land, and oceans

Students will learn about emerging research in the field through readings from the peer-reviewed
literature and will engage in data analysis and box modeling to probe interactions between the
atmosphere, oceans, terrestrial biosphere, and lithosphere. Some previous experience with scripting
will be helpful.