Monday, October 22



offered by
Prairie Biotic Research, Inc.

We Are     Prairie Biotic Research (PBR) is an all-volunteer, Wisconsin
nonprofit established in 2000 to foster basic biotic research in prairies
and savannas.  One way we do this is through a competitive Small Grants
Program that funds grants up to $1000 to individuals for the study of any
grassland taxon anywhere in the USA.  We support both natural history and
experimental science.  We are especially eager to support independent
researchers (those lacking institutional support), but anyone having a
U.S. Social Security number may apply.  Since 2002, we've awarded 136
grants worth $130,196 to people in 30 states to study insects, plants,
mammals, reptiles, slime molds, mycorrhizal fungi, spiders, snails,
amphibians, birds, invasive species, effects of management, and the human
dimensions of conservation.  Many of these grants supported graduate
student research.  In 2013, we expect to fund at least 10 grants of up to
$1000 each with the donations we have received, including some restricted
by donors to support research in Iowa and Wisconsin.

To Apply for a Grant     Visit our website ( to
learn more, to download our proposal form, instructions, and a sample
researcher agreement form that winners of this competition must sign.
Check out the history and overview files in the Small Grants section of
the website to see what sorts of proposals have won funding in the past.
Review the reports submitted by researchers of past years.
We must receive your proposal through the mail before January 6, 2013.
Those who won funding in 2012 are ineligible for this funding in 2013, but
those who won funding longer ago are welcome to submit proposals to
further that same work or to support a new project.

Our Supporters     We are very grateful for gifts recently received from
individuals, businesses, foundations and nonprofit organizations in
support of our Small Grants Program:  Michael Anderson, Neil Bernstein,
Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, IA), Andria Blattner, Stephen & Nancy
Bloom, Kurt Christoffel, Rebecca Christoffel, Citizens Natural Resources
Association of Wisconsin, Conservation and Research Foundation, Lloyd
Crim, Robert & Nancy Dott, James E. Dutton Foundation, Marlene & Bruce
Ehresman, Hildy Feen, Tamara Felden, Johanna Foster, Catherine Gimse-Owen
& Robert Owen, Dorothy Haines, MJ Hatfield, Hillsdale Fund, George &
Marilyn Johnson, Kyle Johnson, Herbert H. Kohl Charities, The Fred Maytag
Family Foundation, Merganser Fund, The Leo Model Foundation, Emily &
Richard Moore, The R. D. and Linda Peters Foundation, Ron Priest, Dennis
Schlicht, Jim & Rose Sime, The Soap Opera, Glenn Teschendorf, TOSA
Foundation, Laura Van Slyke, Andrew Williams, Willow Springs Foundation,
Ken Wood, Dan Young.

Become a Supporter     Please make a donation to support PBR.  Any amount
is welcome.  PBR is volunteer-run so our overhead is very low.  You may
specify that your entire tax-deductible donation be given to researchers
through our Small Grants Program, or to expand our research endowment that
produces income we give away annually through this program.  Please help
us to help others!

Michael Anderson,  Craig Brabant,  Rebecca Christoffel,  Linda Duever,
Jaime Edwards,  Brick Fevold, Kerry Katovich,  Douglas LeDoux,  Victoria
Nuzzo,  Ursula Petersen,  Dennis Schlicht, Scott Swengel,  David Voegtlin,
Andrew Williams,  and  Daniel Young, who comprise the Board of Directors
and Scientific Advisors of Prairie Biotic Research, Inc.

"We  Foster  Curiosity"