Sweetland Writing 630 Applicatio n for Winter 2013
Writing 630 is designed for graduate students who have made significant progress in their degree program and are thinking ahead to larger, ongoing writing projects: a prospectus, conference paper, article, or groundwork for a dissertation. The first four weeks will be spent in a traditional discussion forum, reviewing the basics of clear academic writing and of the demands of writing in graduate school. Topics will include argumentation, drafting, revision, grammar, audience, tone, and incorporating sources. During the remaining weeks you will share portions of your work, in class, for peer review and discussion. This will focus on material you are already working on. The course will also include individual conferences with the instructor to discuss the results of the peer reviews and their application to your work. This course is not designed to provide intensive language study for non-native speakers of English.
Class time will be Tuesday noon-1 p.m. Permission of the Sweetland Center for Writing is required to register.
To apply, please complete a hard copy application and return it along with 5 pages of academic writing (excerpts from longer works are welcome) to Laura Schuyler, Sweetland Center for Writing, 1310 North Quad, 1285. Electronic applications will not be accepted. The deadline for submissions is November 16, 2012. Decisions will be made and students notified by November 30, 2012.