2013 Jean Monnet Graduate Fellowship
DEADLINE: December 3, 2012 by 5:00 PM
The Center for European Studies and the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies are offering students summer grants of $5,000 to work on issues of European integration, broadly defined. Student grantees will conduct research leading to the writing of a paper on a relevant topic of their choosing.
It is expected that during the spring and/or summer of 2013 the grantees, in consultation with their faculty advisor(s), will devote twelve weeks of full time work to their projects. This is not a travel grant.
Fellows will be encouraged to enroll in the Graduate Seminar on European Studies (EURO 600) inWinter 2013 and may be invited to contribute to selected outreach activities organized by CES at local high schools, colleges, and universities. They will be invited to present the preliminary results of their research at a public event held in Fall 2013.
Students in professional schools and graduate programs are eligible to apply. The fellowship is limited to returning students. Students in the last year of terminal degree programs are not eligible.
Applicants should submit the 2013 Jean Monnet Graduate Fellowship Application (available atwww.ii.umich.edu/ces) and a 2-3 page proposal describing the project they intend to carry out, including its topic, aims, method, and anticipated scholarly contribution. They should also indicate the period in which they will be conducting full time work on their project. A letter of recommendation from a University of Michigan faculty member (preferably the student’s advisor), a current transcript (or permission for CES to electronically access it), and current CV should accompany the proposal.
Application materials in electronic form are to be submitted by December 3, 2012 to Julie Claus, CES Academic Services coordinator at jclaus@umich.edu. For further information please contact Julie Claus.