Tuesday, September 6

Career path guidance for PhDs

Happy New Year!

As some of you know I have long had something of a preoccupation with expanding the horizon of our doctoral students beyond the role models we all provide as scientists.  

It is no longer news that the majority of new Ph.D.s in science in the U.S. have not continued to academic research careers.  And even for those seeking tenure-track degrees, the going has been tough. This article from a recent issue of Science has the shocking statement that "only 7% of life science Ph.D.s obtain tenure-track faculty positions within 5 years of completing their degrees." More importantly, however, the article reviews a new book on "Navigating today's job market: A step-by-step guide offers practical science career advice."

I have not looked at Sinche's book but thought it could be a useful resource when thinking of your future or that of people whom we mentor.

Rachel Kaplan
Samuel T. Dana Professor (Emerita) of Environment and Behavior

School of Natural Resources and Environment
University of Michigan
440 Church St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1041