Monday, September 29

Smith Lecture Friday October 3 at 3:00pm

Dear All,
Our Smith Lecture speaker this week is Erik Brown, University of Minnesota-Duluth.  He is speaking on Lake Malawi:  An ancient Lake's Response to 21st Century Environmental Change.  Abstract below.

Smith Lectures are Friday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:00 pm, in Room 1528 C.C. Little Building.  A reception is held following the lecture in 2540 C.C. Little. The events are free and open to the public.  A full schedule for the term may be found on our website:

Best regards, -Anne

Anne Hudon
Academic Student Services
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Michigan


Lake Malawi (East Africa) is in transition.  Its fisheries provide the major source of animal protein to a regional population of nearly 20 million, but yields have declined significantly in recent years. In addition, against the background of global climate change, the lake basin is subject to stresses from increased agricultural production needed to support a growing population. These changes are leading to dramatic shifts in the lake, preserved in the sedimentary record, that can be evaluated in the context of long-term (104 to 106 year) environmental change. Better knowledge of lake dynamics can aid in development of policies to preserve and to foster this resource.