Friday, August 1

Dissertation Writing Groups Application for Fall 2014

Dissertation Writing Groups Fall 2014

In collaboration with the Rackham Graduate School, the Sweetland Center for Writing coordinates several student-led writing groups for graduate students writing their dissertations.  These interdisciplinary writing groups provide structured support in a facilitated peer-based setting to aid dissertators working through long-term projects.  Dissertation Writing Groups typically consist of four members including a group leader.  Participants must be in the writing phase of their dissertations and available to meet eight times per semester to workshop group members’ writing on a rotating basis.   Each group will determine meeting schedules and expectations. 

Those interested in becoming group leaders must provide additional information with their applications.  Group leaders attend a facilitator training workshop and mentor meetings through the term.

Applications must be emailed to me at by Wednesday, August 27, 2014.  
Groups will start meeting in mid-September.
